Message from the Principal

Dr. HARISH NAIK  M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D

We provide compreheI am very delighted to welcome you all for the academic year. As you know that SNR is one of the premier and oldest Institutions in Bangalore South. An Institution that works at strengthening the concept of value based Education, ours is not a profit oriented institution whereas with affordable fees we provide quality education for rural and downtrodden students. The college has a lot of  programmes in co and extra-curricular activities for the overall development of the students. I am mainly focusing on four points viz., Work is Worship, Discipline, Punctuality and Neatness.  Whoever follows these four principles will be succeeded in their life.We are not only giving admissions for the rank holders but also the average students and we train them for overall development for their future endeavour.Our students excel in University Examinations with Distinction though they come with so less percentage of marks. We also provide corporate and placement training for campus selection. This credit fully goes to the efforts, dedications and commitments of our faculties.nsive solutions and support to help you reach new heights.

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